Measures to be taken
Current normative legal acts, documents/Required changes in legislation
Executive bodies
- Development of financial markets and accessibility of loans
Development of financial markets
Presence of financial services that meet the needs of the business
- Implementation of the Banking System and Provision of Liquidity
- Termination of the activity and implementation of reforms in the field of bankruptcy issue solution
Leasing and alternative financial instruments in Azerbaijan (forwards, futures, options, swap, factoring, etc.) to facilitate access of SMEs to finance with the development of the market
Strategic Roadmap for the development of Financial Services in the Republic of Azerbaijan (Strategic targets 1 and 3);
Strategic Roadmap on production of consumer goods at the level of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the Republic of Azerbaijan (Strategic target 2)
Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FIMSA), Ministry of Finance, Central Bank, Ministry of Economy, Deposit Insurance Fund, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies
Accessibility of Financial Services
- Strengthening Financial Services inclusion
- Establishment of a Guarantee Fund for loans related to SMEs
- Improving the activity on property issues and increase of Financial Accessibility
Strategic Roadmap for the development of Financial Services in the Republic of Azerbaijan (Strategic targets 1 and 3);
Strategic Roadmap on production of consumer goods at the level of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the Republic of Azerbaijan (Strategic target 2)
Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FIMSA), Central Bank, Ministry of Economy, Deposit Insurance Fund, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies
Financing opportunities with the local stock market
- Creating a favorable environment for issuers and financial intermediaries
- Increasing access of investors to financial markets
- Increase in interbank money market activity
Strategic Roadmap for the development of Financial Services in the Republic of Azerbaijan (Strategic targets 2)
Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FIMSA), Ministry of Taxes, Ministry of Justice, Central Bank, Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies
Accessibility of loans
- Improving the knowledge and skills of specialists working in the financial sector
- Expansion of financial literacy of local consumers and strengthening of protection of rights
- Development of the Non-Operating Assets Restructuring Plan in the financial sector
Strategic Roadmap for the development of Financial Services in the Republic of Azerbaijan (Strategic targets 1 and 5);
The Law on encumbrance of movable property prepared by Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FIMSA) with the support of International Finance Corporation (IFC)
Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FIMSA), Central Bank, Ministry of Finance, Deposit Insurance Fund
Possibility of Venture Capital Financing
- Termination of the activity and implementation of reforms in the field of bankruptcy issue solution
- Establishment of a Guarantee Fund for loans related to SMEs
- Improving the activity on property issues and increase of Financial Accessibility
- Expansion of financial services of SMEs for international trade operations and promotion of Direct Foreign Investment
Strategic Roadmap on production of consumer goods at the level of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the Republic of Azerbaijan (Strategic targets 2 and 3)
Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FIMSA), Central Bank, Ministry of Finance, Deposit Insurance Fund, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies
Regulation of the Securities Market
- Creating a favorable environment for issuers and financial intermediaries
- Increasing access of investors to financial markets
- Increase in interbank money market activity
Strategic Roadmap for the development of Financial Services in the Republic of Azerbaijan (Strategic targets 2)
Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FIMSA), Ministry of Taxes, Ministry of Justice, Central Bank, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies
- Effective management and macroeconomic indicators
Level of Protection of Investors
- Changing the procedure of bringing the interested director (the main shareholder, the owner of the control share package) to justice for the damage caused to the company and envisaging bringing the interested director to justice in all cases where the operation is unfair or biased against other shareholders
- Amendment of the procedure for bringing other directors/confirming body (Executive Director, Board of Directors or Supervisory Board members) to justice by shareholders for the damage caused by the transaction to the buyer
- Changing the order of obtaining different documents from the person accused by the complainant with their names separately in order to eliminate the cases of non-disclosure of information and hiding from the complainant
- Determination of the procedure for payment of compensation by the company for its own expenses to the complainant shareholders, regardless of the results of the legal claim
Change in the Law ”On the Securities Market";
Changes in normative legal acts regulating activities on the Securities Market;
Change in the Civil Code;
Change in the Code of Administrative Offenses;
Change in the Criminal Code.
Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FIMSA),
Ministry of Economy,
Ministry of Justice
Transparency in Decision-making in the public sector
- Creating easier and accessible online resources for users with a brief overview of the essence of new government decisions and legislative acts
- Providing a clearer coverage and explanation of government decisions in the press
Strategic Roadmap on production of consumer goods at the level of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the Republic of Azerbaijan (Strategic targets 1, Priority 1.1, Activities 1.1.4 and 1.1.5)
Cabinet of Ministers, Ministry of Transport, Communication, and High Technologies,
Ministry of Economy,
State Committee on Property Issues
Macroeconomic environment
State Budget Deficit/Surplus
- Continuation of Budget Consolidation
- Application of Budget Ceiling on functional and organizational expenditure items
Strategic Roadmap of the Republic of Azerbaijan on National Economy perspective (Strategic target 1, Priority 1.2; Strategic target 4, Priority 4.1);
Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On the State Budget of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2017"
Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Taxes
- Labour Market
Labour Market Efficiency
The effect of Taxing on the stimulation of Labour
In the structure of Compulsory State Social Insurance premiums, the revision of the rates between the employee and the employer, the gradual reduction of the employer's share in this ratio and the increase of the employee's share
Change in the Law "On Social Insurance"
The Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan,
Cabinet of Ministers,
Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population,
Ministry of Justice,
Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Finance
Human Capital Potential of the country
Ensuring flexibility in the Labour Market, carrying out monitoring on professions, adaptation of formal (academic) education to the requirements of the Labour Market, continuing the process of preparation of professional standards for meeting the rapid changes in the Labour Market through vocational training, qualification, and retraining, improving the Vocational Education System (primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher education) for the preparation of competitive personnel in the Labour Market
Strategic Roadmap on the Development of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in the Republic of Azerbaijan;
Employment Strategy of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2017-2030).
Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population,
Ministry of Justice,
Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education
- Physical infrastructure
Overall infrastructure quality
- Considering the establishment of separate institutions (department, sector, etc.) to ensure an increase in the relevant ratings depending on the volume of Demand in each relevant state institution
- Ensuring regular cooperation with companies (resident and non-resident) participating in international rating surveys in the relevant field
- Conducting parallel surveys (government agencies, non-governmental organizations, volunteers) to obtain preliminary operative forecasts on relevant ratings in the relevant companies (prior to the relevant organizations) twice a year
- Improvement of urban and construction norms, as well as relevant standards, increase of responsibility for non-compliance with these technical normative legal acts
- Establishment of close cooperation with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) within the framework of the Action Plan for 2016-2020 developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to support the quality of infrastructure in developing countries
- Full access to the Internet in schools
Ministry of Transport, Communication, and High Technologies,
Baku City Executive Power, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Economy,
Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Education, State Statistical Committee, State Committee on Standardization, Metrology and Patents, State Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture, "Azerenerji" OJSC,
"Azerishiq" OJSC, "Azerbaijan Railways" CJSC, "Azerbaijan Airlines" (AZAL), "Azeravtoyol" OJSC, "Azerbaijan State Caspian Shipping Company" CJSC,
Baku Transport Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers
Quality of roads
- Increasing responsibility for the creation, maintenance, and development of Pedestrian Infrastructure within the framework of the relevant norms (in particular, with a view to ensuring that people with disabilities are comfortable using this infrastructure)
- Application of Service Quality Standards in Public Transport (especially in urban bus services) and determination of responsibility for non-compliance with these standards
Ministry of Transport, Communication, and High Technologies,
Baku City Executive Power, Baku Transport Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers,
State Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture, ”Azeravtoyol" OJSC
Quality of Power Supply
Completion of the introduction of the Smart Meter System
Preparation and approval of electrical installation guidelines
Ministry of Energy, ”Azerenerji" OJSC,
State Committee on Standardization, Metrology and Patents
Number of landline phone subscribers
- Implementation of measures for the full use of existing internal resources in Baku and its settlements, as well as in the regions (free numbers and internet ports in ATSs, the establishment of a line network with the application of new technologies and the improvement of service quality)
- Learning the experience of increasing the range of services provided by foreign telecommunication operators to fixed network (landline phone) subscribers and reviewing their application in regions
Amendments to the Law "On telecommunications"
Ministry of Transport, Communication, and High Technologies
7. Foreign trade and trade tariffs
Commodity Market Efficiency
Coverage of non-tariff barriers
- The list of goods that must be certified in accordance with the legislation and the classification of goods on the basis of Goods Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activities
- Simplification of procedures for Declaration of Goods and Vehicles
Change in Customs Law
Cabinet of Ministers, Ministry of Economy,
State Customs Committee, Ministry of Justice, State Committee on Standardization, Metrology and Patents, Ministry of Agriculture,
Ministry of Finance
- Implementation of the supervisory powers in the country by a single state body, the issuance of the appropriate certificate or other permit documents required for the safety and quality of foodstuffs in a simplified manner by the same public body on the basis of the "single-window" principle to simplify the procedures for controlling the safety and quality of foodstuffs imported and delivered to the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Cabinet of Ministers,
State Customs Committee, Ministry of Justice, State Committee on Standardization, Metrology and Patents, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Finance
Trade tariffs
- Establishing cooperation with an expert team preparing the report and delivering accurate information about the weighted average tariff rate applied in the country
Customs Law;
Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 367 of September 23, 2016
State Customs Committee, Ministry of Finance
- Reflecting the volume of imports in statistical indicators with exemption from import customs duties by means of Production Sharing Agreements (PSAs), contact, Transit Agreements, Investment Promotion Certificate and other legislative acts
State Customs Committee, Ministry of Finance
9. Human Capital
Health and primary education
Number of primary school students
Expanding the scope of the system and covering the regions in connection with the electronic acceptance of documents to secondary schools, lyceums, and gymnasiums
Ministry of Education
Number of secondary school students
- Education Management Information Systems and development of a new Reporting Model
Action Plan on the implementation of "State Strategy for the development of education in the Republic of Azerbaijan"
Ministry of Education, State Examination Center
- Development of Inclusive Training Methodology for integration of persons with disabilities into life and education environment
Cabinet of Ministers,
Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population, Ministry of Health,
Ministry of Justice
Number of high school students
- Establishment of financial institutions, including Student Loans System to expand opportunities in the field of Education
Action Plan on the implementation of "State Strategy for the development of education in the Republic of Azerbaijan"
Cabinet of Ministers,
Ministry of Education, Ministry of Economy, Central Bank
- Development and implementation of the new tool on personnel training in priority areas, based on the real demand of the country's political, economic, and social development
Cabinet of Ministers,
Ministry of Education, Ministry of Economy,
- Development of a new Admission and Placement Plan for admission to higher and secondary vocational education institutions regardless of the form of ownership and determination of state order only on specialties
Cabinet of Ministers,
Ministry of Education,
Ministry of Economy,
State Examination Center
- Construction of new dormitories for students of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
Cabinet of Ministers,
Ministry of Education, Ministry of Economy,
higher education institutions (heis)
Internet access in schools
- Development of modern Educational Infrastructure based on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), including e-Education resources
Action Plan on the implementation of "State Strategy for the development of education in the Republic of Azerbaijan";
Strategic Roadmap for the development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the Republic of Azerbaijan (Strategic targets 2).
Cabinet of Ministers,
Ministry of Education
- Development of Digital Education to provide higher ICT knowledge and skills
- Introduction and development of ”e-School" system
Ministry of Education, State Examination Center, Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS)
Availability of specialized training services
2. Development and application of results evaluation and stimulation in the field of Refresher Training
Action Plan on the implementation of "State Strategy for the development of education in the Republic of Azerbaijan";
Strategic Roadmap on the development of Vocational Education and training sector in the Republic of Azerbaijan (Strategic targets 3 and 4);
Strategic Roadmap on production of consumer goods at the level of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the Republic of Azerbaijan (Strategic target 4);
Strategic Roadmap on the development of specialized tourism industry in the Republic of Azerbaijan (Strategic target 4).
Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population, Ministry of Health
3. Establishment of the appropriate legislative base for the organization of Training and Refresher Courses of the elderly in enterprises
4. Promotion of Entrepreneurial Thinking in Vocational Education System
Ministry of Education,
National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations
5. Determination of the needs of Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurs (SMEs) in relation to Education and Training, preparation of relevant training materials
Ministry of Economy,
Ministry of Education, Ministry of Taxes,
Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FIMSA),
Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population,
State Customs Committee
6. Coordination of the work of Vocational Education Institutions and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)
Ministry of Education, Ministry of Economy,
7. Organization of teaching the basics of Entrepreneurship in primary vocational and secondary vocational education institutions
Ministry of Education, Ministry of Economy,
12. Health system
Health and primary education
Cases of tuberculosis
- Improving the Single Electronic Register of tuberculosis patients
- Improving the diagnosis of tuberculosis, equipping the Central Reference Laboratory with modern laboratory equipment
- Vaccination of children in accordance with the vaccination schedule for the Prevention of Tuberculosis
- Continuous provision of medical institutions with anti-tuberculosis drugs
- Trainings on detection and treatment of tuberculosis for medical workers in Treatment and Prevention Institutions
- Awareness-raising among the population on Tuberculosis Prevention through Means of Mass Media
Event Program on combating tuberculosis for 2016-2020
Ministry of Health,
State Statistical Committee
16. Corruption and Transparency
Increasing trust in politicians
- Increasing transparency in financing political parties from various sources
- Strengthening state support to increase transparency in Financial Reporting – adoption of an Action Plan in this area
Election Code;
Regulation on Secretariat of the Central Election Commission
Prosecutor General's Office, Ministry of Finance, Central Election Commission, Chamber of Auditors
Illegal Payments and Bribery
- Determination of opportunities for foreign officials to join the Convention on Combating Bribery
- Drafting a new bill that unites specific elements of Illegal Payments and a new State Program on Combating Corruption and Bribery
Change in the Criminal Code;
Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Combating Corruption"
Prosecutor General's Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Discrimination in the Decisions of government officials
Creation of a Single System for Public Procurement and ensuring the connection of all state bodies to this system by digitizing the system
Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan ”On Public Procurement"
Cabinet of Ministers, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Finance, Chamber of Accounts
18. Costs associated with combating crime
Business expenses related to crime and violence
- Establishment of mutual relations between law enforcement agencies and businessmen, organizations, and associations, organization of regular meetings, discussions, Appeal Councils operating in law enforcement bodies, provision of detailed information on phone call systems
- Improvement of the Internet resources of law enforcement agencies, translation of documents into at least two foreign languages (English and Russian), combating corruption in these resources, consideration of the appeals of businessmen, violation of their rights, placement of information on the measures taken to prevent their activities
Ministry of Internal Affairs
Reliability of Police Services
2. Strengthening the fight against negligence, non-operability, negligent attitude of law enforcement officers to the execution of their duties against criminal incidents and violations of the guidelines
Ministry of Internal Affairs
3. Increasing Transparency in the admission of citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan to law enforcement agencies
Ministry of Internal Affairs